’ello world!
This will just be a brief intro post, since I’ll be working here at KMG Group for the summer vacation and I just wanted to say hi.
So my name is Mikael, and this summer I will be helping out with repurposing and indexing a huge library of historical photographs from Långshyttan – a small community in the middle of Sweden, where I’ve also lived for the better part of my life. It’s one of those places where everybody knows everyone, you can walk or bike anywhere, and with nature always around the corner.
Growing up in Långshyttan was amazing in many ways. Luckily I loved team sports, which was a great way to make friends. But besides riding bikes and participating in community sporting, I still remember being hypnotized by that black screen with a flashing white line, around the mid-90s when my family received an old PC from my aunt. Me and my brothers managed to start a few of games using the DOS prompt, and that was the start of my interest in IT, I suppose. A few years later I figured out how to create my own web sites, and from then on I never let go.
Since I had this general interest in computers, it was an obvious choice to study the technology program in high school. Fast forward to current day, I’m still at it, studying computer science at Dalarna University. And since I’m mostly self-taught when it comes to IT, it feels really exciting to finally get to learn things “the right way”, so to speak.
That’s it for now, I’ll try to keep you posted with progress updates on the project that I’m working on along the way!